Delta/Summit Building

Michael S. Chitkowski

Hello, my name is Mr. Michael S. Chitkowski, and I have been teaching in Community High School District 218 since 1989.  Currently, I teach English III, English IV: Best Selling Novels (BSN), and English IV:  Man, Myth and Monster (MMM) courses here at the Delta & Summit Learning Center.  I can be reached at [email protected] or at 708-371-1880 ext 6203.  My class schedule and Google Classroom codes, are listed below.
1st Period                                           English IV BSN                                    urgacjl
2nd Period                                          English III                                            ear7t7d
3rd Period                                           PLAN/LUNCH
4th Period                                           English III                                           ear7t7d
5th period                                           English III                                            ear7t7d
6th period                                           English IV BSN.                                  urgacjl
You are welcome to view the video linked below to learn about our classes and how to view what your students are working on this year.